I purchased this adorable frog rain set for my grandson several months ago. We had taken him and my granddaughter to The Picture People for photos, and they had this adorable Kidorable set as a prop. I couldn't get my grandson out of it. Each time we walked toward him, he would take off running. Finally I bargained, I told him that I would purchase a set for him if he would take it off so we could leave. Now, I normally don't bargain with my grandchildren, but since I had fallen in love with it too it was a win-win situation. I found the set at Amazon. Depending on size, the rain boots are up to $32.00, the umbrella $13.00, and the jacket up to $30.00.
Kidorable also has the set in ladybug, fireman, dinosaur, and a pirate to name a few. This set would make a great birthday or Christmas gift. The boots are perfect for those rainy days ahead and the umbrella is just as adorable. This will surely generate a few giggles too.
We know your time is precious, so we surfed the net for the best price. You can purchase these great gift ideas at Macy's. They have 20% off the set.
Isn't my grandson adorable in his froggy gear?